Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 9

Leaving Vegas was pretty uneventful.  We packed up our stuff in the hotel room, played $5 at a slot machine on the way to finding our car, and left the hotel.  We had to find a Target so we could refill some prescriptions, but that was pretty easy too.  Once we arrived at our campsite in Beaver, UT (Beaver, UT – known for their best tasting water in all of the country! (it actually was REALLY good)), Cliff set-up the tent and then we all went for a swim in the pool.  It very refreshing!  We don’t have any pictures from today, there just wasn’t anything too interesting to look at.  We’re heading east from now on, so that should change.

This road trip is going better than I expected.  I think I expected the kids to hate being in the car every day, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.  I expected to hear a lot of “are we there yet” and “I’m bored”.  The only time I’ve heard “are we there yet”, was from Ryan after being in the car for 15 minutes on the day we left Colorado Springs!  I don’t think I’ve heard “I’m bored” out of either of them.  Hopefully neither one of those will change, but we have a long drive coming up on Friday so I’m not hoping too hard.

Packing the car after camping doesn’t appear to be getting any easier, though Cliff is doing most of it so I’ll let him tell you if that’s an accurate statement.

I think we’ve found the solution to all of Tim’s horrible behavior – feed him.  Apparently, he needs to be eating at all times, otherwise he turns into a grumpy monster.  It’s almost guaranteed that Tim will be buckled into his car seat after eating a large meal, and no more than 10 minutes later will declare that he’s hungry.  He’s back there right now chowing down on a bag of grapes after having 3 pancakes for breakfast!  I’m pretty sure he’s grown 2 inches in height since we left the Springs.

Today we’re headed to Moab.  We should get there by mid-afternoon (just when it’s hottest!).  I’ve heard that the sunsets there are gorgeous, so we have plenty of time to do other stuff before that happens.  Hopefully it cools down once the sun goes down there like it has been at our other campsites.

I can’t believe it’s only been 10 days, it feels like much longer.  Not because the trip is so unbearable it feels like time has gone slower.  Quite the opposite.  We’ve seen so much in the last week and a half, it doesn’t seem possible.  Hey, at least we’re not ready to kill each other.  Yet.  : )

-          Mayzie

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