Monday, April 30, 2012

Post Yard Sale

This past weekend saw the first yard sale come, and go. A very huge thank you to Jodi for assisting us on Friday, and to Becky for watching the boys on Saturday.

The sale was VERY productive. Much was sold. So much in fact that our house is, finally, starting to look like it is being vacated. Walls are empty, save for picture hooks. The sheds are almost empty, the basement has a bed and that's about it, the kids rooms have furniture, and books and a few toys on the floors, but that's it.

Jodi kept making me search the house to find more stuff to sell, and most of the time she had sold it before I came back with the next load. I was worried we wouldn't make enough money to validate me taking a day off work (I don't get paid holiday). I am happy to say I was wrong. We made over 3 times my salary!

One exception is the kitchen which hasn't been touched. But apart from that it is starting to look like just the major pieces of furniture is all that is left. We even sold the patio furniture - and almost one of the cars. Though I am sure we will find more as we get down to the wire.

We will recover from the weekend and then begin listing the major pieces of furniture for sale. In less than 8 weeks we leave Colorado! It's starting to get serious. In 3 weeks my parents arrive. Then it's the boys' birthdays. Then the end of work. Then our going away BBQ. Damn it's going to be here soon.

We have also recently purchased our camping stove, camping mattresses and a comfortable camping chair. A few more camping supplies still left to get, but it is starting to feel like we are getting organised. The stove we purchased is a dual burner; it has a regular burner and a grill/griddle. With the amount of camping we have planned we just need to figure out what we willl be cooking. The griddle will be good for eggs/bacon/pancakes. But that will get old. We will have to do some menu plannng as I don't think "winging" it will be good enough. Any suggestions (NO RAMEN!!) will be rewarded with much gratitude:)


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thoughts from Cliff

Let me start off here by being clear. With respect to our impending move; we ARE going. We ARE happy about it. We ARE excited about it. We believe it IS the right decision for our family. We WON’T change our minds.  With that said, this week has been a bit of a funny one for me. I think it has been festering for a few weeks, but after we hit 100 days to go I think things caught up with me.

There are a few things which have sown some seeds of hesitation into our plans. Perhaps “hesitation” is too strong of a word but is the best my meager vocabulary can muster – again we ARE going – but I think my point is made.

There are a few things which are contributing to these thoughts. I am struggling to find the words to adequately explain my thoughts, so bear with me as I ramble. Hopefully you can read-between-the-lines and interpret my thoughts.

We are moving without jobs, and although we are confident we will be able to find sustainable employment before we use up all of our savings, you never know. Combine that with my recent promotion/pay increase, and the large salary deficit we will be enduring is quite apparent. Of course we are not moving back for financial reasons. But a major financial hardship is about to be bestowed upon us, and giving up so much raises doubts.

I think both Mayzie and I would agree that life in Colorado Springs has started to actually improve for us over the last four months or so. Perhaps this is because Tim is getting older and less demanding of our time. Part of the reason for us moving is to be closer to family. We have essentially had no family help (as a result of us moving to the US) since we have had kids.  So the notion of us moving back now the kids are getting older and easier is a bit oxymoronic. That’s not to say we won’t want, or need, help but the “early years” are now behind us, and those of you with kids know what a challenge that was.

The last few months has seen us getting either more friends, or perhaps a more accurate statement would be, closer with existing friends. Prior to this it didn’t feel like we did have many friends. We all need friends, friends would have been a big help when the kids were little. I’m not making excuses, or even complaining per se. There are several reasons why we didn’t/don’t have many (close) friends here. The details of which are not terribly important, and most of which are likely our doing. It is a bit odd but even after having lived in the USA for most of my adult life, 14 years, I still feel like many of my best friends are “back home” (I wonder if they feel the same?). Perhaps that’s because they knew me when I was a kid, I’m not sure. Either way, it is weird that we are leaving just as things appear to be changing here.

 These were just a few of the things on my mind. Not a rant, not a way to change our minds, not really anything, just some things going on in my head.  On the flip side, there are some things which we will be happy to be leaving behind. And although we are not running away from these things, it is a little weird that we can leave a couple of the chapters of our lives here Stateside and can start new when we go “home!”


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Continuing plans

This wasn’t meant to be a blog updated weekly, but that seems to be what it’s turning into. That will change. We will post more frequently, just perhaps not till things get closer – getting closer, things are. As Yoda may have said.

It’s starting to look like we will take a family picture under every “Welcome to…” sign. A bit cliché but probably the best visual memory we will have of the States visited. With that said, I do think we will follow the newspaper idea put forth by Anita on a prior post. More suggestion will of course be welcomed.

This week has seen a few more minor sales, more preparation for the yard sale next week, and the realization that we are down to just double digits till we are living in Europe. It turns out we land in London the same day as opening ceremonies for the Olympics. Now we understand why flights to London were so expensive. Here’s hoping the roads are empty!

So it turned out camping at Huntington Beach was limited at best. However we were able to find some camping with reasonable rates at San Juan Capistrano. This may sound familiar. We were planning on staying with friends at SJC and although that option is no longer viable, the nice things we have heard about that part of Southern California have drawn us in anyway. We will be camping about 2 miles inland from the Pacific for 2 nights. From there we will go see the iconic Hollywood sign for some tourist pictures, and then on to Las Vegas.

We are still figuring out where we will be staying in Vegas, but it will be just for one night. We are now officially heading East. Over the course of the next seven days we will head from there to Kansas City, and will spend some time with Mayzie’s half-sisters. We continue East and plan on spending a couple of nights somewhere near Lake Erie (One of the Great Lakes) in Pennsylvania. From here we know generally where we and when we are going, but still have a few more things to finalize. We will visit with our friends the Krevats, spend four nights in Mayzie’s home town - New York City. This will take us to July 19th or so.

Mayzie went to a summer camp when she was a kid and this year they are having a reunion (assuming they receive enough funds). It is in S Vermont. We will be there for the weekend of July 21st. After camp its up to Northern Vermont to visit old neighbors (and maybe a stop in the Ben and Jerry’s factory (rude not too really). From there it’s on to Boston.  

I am hoping to make another, more personal, post in the next few days as I am starting to think this blog is not becoming the forum I hoped it would. So if you are thinking of tuning out please don’t just yet. :) Maybe someone else will have something to say too.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tick Tock

Well after two weeks of pretty much doing nothing, it is starting to dawn on us that indeed time is running out. We spent this past weekend in Denver without the kids (Thanks Art and Donna), and whilst it was most certainly a wonderful weekend (my mild case of food poisoning aside) I think we have come to the realization that we cannot afford to do too much more relaxing for the next nine weeks and five days. Yep that’s right just 68 days till we leave Colorado! Our home for the last 14 years. (minus a three year hiatus in Vermont).

Since I’m throwing some dates out there, I think we have finalized most of our plans for between now and July 27. Our first yard sale is the weekend of April 27 – Yes that’s the one we are not ready for. :) in 11 days!! The last day of work for both of us will be June 15th, Going away BBQ/party at our (hopefully empty of contents) house will be June 16th.  As mentioned previously, we will be leaving Colorado Springs June 24th then the road trip begins.

Following our California change of plans due to some unforeseen events, we had to make a choice. Either do more travelling and see more of California, or basically slow down the itinerary. As much as we would have loved to see more of the country while we are still here, we have decided the latter is the better choice. The plan is still broadly the same as before, but we are now driving less per day and spending more time at a few specific locations (more details will follow).

The new plan schedules us driving (with the exception of day one at 8 hours) no more than 6 hours per day, and some as few as 2, and has about 13 days scheduled with no driving at all. The thinking behind this is to enhance the family bonding part of the trip. Since the kids will be plugged in to DVD’s while driving this way we can spend more time together out of the car. We now have at least 13 nights planned camping out. The rest will be hotels/motels and staying with friends. With that said, the plan still gives us about 5,000 miles of driving!

The first few nights have been booked. Night one will be in Cortez, CO going through Silverton and Durango via the Million Dollar Highway. Day two will go through Four Corners, which for those of you non-Yanks, is the only place in the USA you can be in four states at the same time, and terminating at the Grand Canyon.  Day three will take us from GC to Phoenix where we will spend two nights in a hotel, and catch up with our good friend Nicole. Day five will take us to Joshua Tree National Park. We cannot make reservations for Joshua Tree so will just get a campsite when we arrive. From there we will head to the Pacific. Likely Huntington Beach, but that’s as far as we’ve gotten. Watch this space.


Monday, April 2, 2012


Well it's been a week so figured I should check in. Nothing really to report. Have sold a few small items, and that is all that has been done. I had my wisdom tooth out on Friday (I don't do well with pain) and have pretty much been in bed ever since. Although I did manage to get a promotion at work on Friday too. Thus nothing has been done by me regarding the move. As such Mayzie has been dealing with the kids, who have been brats, and has therefore got nothing done either.

Looks like we will be amending our road trip plans. Our plans for staying in California for a week are no longer viable. We therefore have 2 choices:

1)Leave Colorado Springs later, or
2)See some more of California besides the Pacific.

Personally I vote for the second option. I like the idea of visiting San Francisco, Yosemite and Sequoia National Park while we are close.

We also have a question and maybe you can give some suggestions. We are wanting to do something "unique" in every state we visit/pass through on our trek - which will be at last 15 (and have photographic evidence of said event) and are running short of ideas. Some suggestions thus far are; share a family milkshake in each state, all do a headstand, family photo under each states' "Welcome to..." sign, fly a kite. Like I said we need help! and welcome suggestions.

Starting to look like we will be having a going away BBQ at our house on the weekend of June 16th .

And that's it. Fingers crossed this week will be more productive.
